Apostolic Theological
Bible College"Educating To Continue The Faith"
Life Experience D.Th Doctorate Degree
In the ranks of the Apostolic Brethren there exist a large number of worthy men who have given their lives to the New Testament plan of salvation. Although they may not have achieved secular educational levels to graduate with a degree, they have achieved a great knowledge in the Word of God. These men have chosen to represent the Oneness Doctrine in the face of being called a cult leader, or even railed upon because they rejected the trinity doctrine. Leadership comes with a price. Those who do not fall by the way side into false doctrine or who do not self-destruct by following after every wind of doctrine, have become examples of faithfulness. These pay the price during many years of hardships and struggles. This deserves honor!
Faithfulness is the high ethical character of men who will not compromise with sin, will not bow to pressure and quit, or recant the name of Jesus in baptism. The Apostolic Theological Bible College desires to recognize those men who have met the challenges and are victorious. To accomplish a part of our goals and objectives to continue the Apostles Doctrine through education, we take applications from men of God who feel a doctorate degee in theology would be a blessing in their lives. If you meet the following criteria, you may submit your application for acceptance into our Life Experience D.Th Doctorate Degree Program:
1.) You must be over the age of 40?
2.) You must have been an Apostolic Oneness Minister for at least 20 years?
3.) You must have been a Pastor for at least 10 years of the past 20?
4.) You must currently be in the Ministry?
5.) You must obtain testimony from at least three individuals who will recommend you for a Life Experience D.Th Doctorate Degree?
6.) You must be willing to be interviewed on the telephone by Dr. Reckart?
7.) You must be willing to pay $50 application fee and $1,250.00 within three weeks of acceptance and issue of the degree.If you or someone else meet(s) the seven qualifying criteria above, then why not accept our offer to recognize faithfulness?
If you are a Minister, wife, relative, or a church member, and would like to honor your Pastor, your Bishop, or some other worthy Apostolic Minister, you may make application on their behalf as an honoree.
A servant of the Brethren,
Dr. Reckart